Holiday without hunger

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To make a donation toward this cause, use the details below:

  1. On the memo line of the transfer, indicate the ChabadAid program
  2. Send the transfer to the account below:
  3. Attach the receipt and send an email to "[email protected]"

Bank of America
Account Number: 483090648853
Routing Number: 021000322

Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!

Donation Total: ₦ 100,000.00

We’re on a mission to fight hunger and food insecurity in our country, and we won’t stop until everyone has access to a warm, nutritious meal.

We know that the fight against hunger is far from over, but with your continued support, we can make a real difference. Together, we can create a future where no one goes to bed hungry, and everyone has access to the nourishing food they need to thrive.